Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crazy American's...really are we?

Alright, I'm going to vent about something. I work in a lab with a lot of foreign individuals and they were actually complaining to me about the lack of jobs available to them because of people from their country coming over and taking the jobs away.

Really? Are you complaining to me about the lack of American jobs availalbe to you. I honestly had no response to them. And then they proceeded to rant on about how they felt sorry for the Chairman of GM that was "forced" to resign after reducing his salary to $1.00 a year. Hello, I'm sorry, what planet did you step off from that a $25 million pension wasn't an acceptable severance package?

Seriously, they were upset because he was made to be the fall guy? Okay, lets step back a minute and re-evalute things. I am a running a multi-billion dollar corporation. Its sales are in the toilet, I'm bleeding money out every pore and my executives don't seem to know what the phrase "stop spending" means. Should I still keep my job? I think not.

I find it interesting that Americans and foreigners living in America have differing views on American politics. Yes, we helped bail out the failing Auto industry, but just because we helped them, doesn't mean that someone didn't have to pay for the screw up to begin with. But their opinion is that who better to fix the problem than the people that have been working there and know the industry.

Well I agree with that on a certain level, I also agree those are the same individuals that got us in this mess to begin with. We might seem like crazy Americans to the rest of the world, but why is the rest of the world trying to cross our borders? Why is the rest of the world coming to our country and taking our American jobs? America must be doing something right, even if we are in a recession right now, we're still leading the pack.

1 comment:

Young Traveler said...

Here's hoping there is still a job for me in the States somewhere.