Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life is spontaneous~ So I have to be

You know when you have your plans all mapped out and everyone else around you has the same plans? That just happened to come into play this week and the trip that Jared had scheduled to come into town in April got cancelled.

I was heart broken! It was going to be this great reunion with both my sisters and brother's in laws here in Dallas. Life had other plans this week and didn't care what Jared's or my schedule looked like. But you know what, things actually worked out for the best!! I've now flipped my trip and now I'm going to Seattle for Jared's birthday in April. Yeah!

What I thought was a sad and upsetting situation turned into a great opportunity to celebrate my guy's birthday with him. Where as before he was going to be in Dallas the weekend before his birthday. So it all worked out for the best. Now his sweet girls and I can make him dinner and bake him a cake. Meat and Potato pie and carrot cake - all his favorites.

So I need to get used to a little spontaneity in my life and things will be fine. Because there's always a silver lining somewhere to be found.

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