Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shout Out to the Misfits ~

So, I'm dedicating this Blog to the Misfits. Who are the Misfits you ask. The Misfits are my adoring boyfriend, Jared's best friends. I have to be honest, the past year plus that Jared and I have known each other I have heard A LOT of stories about the this Band of Brothers. Most of them can't be repeated. But I will say, my favorite is the story about duck hunting, a truck, and and a quick getaway!!! The parties involved know what I'm talking about. =)

What I think is awesome, but somewhat ridiculous at the same time is the fact that they all have "nicknames or gamertags" and none of them go by their real names. They have been friends for years and truly enjoy each other's company.

Recently, I have had the absolute pleasure of getting to know these guys through several chats. They have involved me in conversations and treated me like a member of the group and not like an outsider. I can honestly say I love these guys. Although Ken sucks! Why? Because he doesn't know anything about Hockey. He's a faker and thinks Zetterberg is a tool. So Ken is on the Family list.

Frog and Ray are my new Best friends! Fellow Redwing Fans. Kindred spirits. =) Jeep and his wife Christina are also right up there because they are big Hockey fans. Even if they are Capital fans. Hockey fans all support each other and stick together. Not to mention, they have the cutest puppies ever!

Then there's Norm. Norm is AWESOME!! He is a chef for FUN. If any of you know me, I love to cook. Norm has these incredible photos on his blog of dishes that he's made for his wife. He's the best husband ever. =) The rest of you Misfits need to take a lesson from Norm.

Seabass is close to Jared so I'm hoping that he can keep him company while I'm 2000 miles away! And he and his wife are both actors! How cool is that!

There are other members of the "fit" crew, but those are the ones I've met so far.

And btw - Ken doesn't really suck - but he's been harassing me about Zetterberg, so this is my way of getting back at him! He's actually one of the most friendly guys I've ever met. I consider him the Big Brother of this group of Misfits. He seems to keep everyone together.

They are just a great bunch of guys that I look forward to getting to know better. And who have told me they like me better than Jared! =) Hahaha. So Jared better watch it - Or the Misfit's will bump him from the group.

Blessings All~


Ken said...

We are just glad that you are around to help handle Jared "Itchy" Robinson. He is usually fun to have around, but when he holds his breath until he turns blue during a temper tantrum, it can be tiring.

Mel said...

I know right? He's like another child.

Young Traveler said...

I LOVE misfits. Glad to have you, Mel. I'll be following you're blog as well. :)

Mel said...

Yes, these Misfits are a randy bunch! They loose focus very quicky. I think all of them posess some form of A.D.D. But I love them and they make me laugh.