Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You're not Vain, You're taking Pride in Yourself!

What a crazy day its been! Do I tan or not? Ugh, what's a girl to do? I hate wearing pantyhose so I have to tan my legs. I hate the self tanners because they all seem to turn me some wretched shade of burnt orange.

Girls, you have this argument, well maybe not this argument, but something similar to this every day! We all do. How to keep ourselves looking nice. But I wonder, does that make us vain or prideful?
  • Vain is defined as: excessively proud: excessively proud, especially of personal appearancance.

But I think if you're just taking Pride in your appearance, does that really make you Vain?

I enjoy getting my nails done and going for a pedicure once a month. I don't consider this a vain habit. I do this so that my nails are kept neat and clean and my feet are nice and polished so that I can wear opened toed shoes. Is this a luxury? Absolutely! And its also the first thing in my budget that goes when I can't afford it for the month.

I go every six weeks, like clock work, and get my hair cut. Why, because I can't stand split ends. Is this vain? No, I take care of my hair. I grew up with long hair and the way to take care of your hair was to keep it trimmed about every 6-8 weeks. So I got in the habit of getting my hair cut. It keeps my hair healthy and shiny. If I choose to let my layers grow out, I just get a small amount trimmed off to keep it healthy.

Its one thing to care about your appearance, its another to be prideful and boast about how beautiful you are. Now take for instance Paris Hilton, I would consider her a vain person. Someone needing constant attention and reassurance about how beautiful she is.

I recently watched a TV program called "True Beauty". The whole concept of this show was to take amazingly beautiful people and see what they did in different situations. But what the contestants didn't know is that they were being filmed EVERYWHERE. They were being judged on their inner beauty as well. When all was said and done, it was sad to see how "ugly" these beautiful people really were.

One of the things I love about Jared is that he's a Hair guy. He will notice a woman's Hair before anything else. (well maybe not the first thing...but for my blog sake, that's what we're going with!) He'll tell you that if a women will take pride in her hair that she'll take pride in the rest of herself. And you know what, he's right. And I have to be honest, the rest of the Misfits agreed with him.

So the next time you want to get your Hair done, or your nails done, or buy that new dress - GO FOR IT! It's not vain. You're just taking pride in your appearance.

Have a Great St. Patty's Day All. ~


Young Traveler said...

That is all the reason I needed to go shopping! :)

Very nice, thoughtful post. Women are often made to feel guilty about their appearance, but they are always judged by it.

A tough line to walk. Darn double standards!



Mel said...

you bet sister! Go shop! buy those shoes!! Buy that great pair of jeans you've been wanting. Splurge! =)

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

A little pampering is good for the soul or at least your mental state, think of it as a mini vacation.