Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bad Day....

I am not having the best of days....

I've run out of my anti-anxiety medication. I'm tired. No one has made me laugh today. And to top it all off, I was helping another group out by writing some test cases for them and their PM told me I wrote the wrong thing. UGH!~ Even if its usable stuff, its always disappointing to let someone down.

Not even the "Calgon take me away." line can fix this dreary day. The best thing would be to go home, order a pizza from Mr. Jim's, snuggle on the couch with Jared and watch a great movie!!

Oh Wait, he lives in SEATTLE!!!!!!!!

This darn day keeps getting better and better!


Young Traveler said...

Hang in there, Mel. Sunshine is coming your way.

Plug this into your browser:

(It's like a metaphor for life, no?)

Marie Reed said...

I'm sorry to hear that your not feeling well. Even if your man isn't there I hope that a big yummy slice of pizza was!

Mel said...

That is So funny!! Thank you for making me laugh. =)

Jessica said...

sorry about your bad day. this too shall pass!