Thursday, March 26, 2009

I seriously need some sleep!!

I've not been sleeping lately. I don't know if its because I'm now putting in long days with two jobs or the stress of having to look for a new full time one...I have no idea. But I'm exhausted! I need some serious nap time!

I've not been myself lately at all. I've been crabby and I seem to be snapping at everyone. And that is just not who I am normally. I need help! I've been taking some Melatonin at night, which helps, but eventually wears off and I can't get back to sleep. So I'm left tossing and turning trying to wish myself at least a couple hours of sleep.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to function when you are so tired that your eyes want to remain a constant state of closed. You can't drive very well, you risk the possibly of ramming into the car in front of you. You certainly can't do your job; God forbid you send that inappropriate email to "Reply All" and your boss gets a hold of it. And we definitely can't go out. There's no telling who we'd end up bringing home with us!! I'll just stop right there!

So I would say that sleep is definitely an important factor in our lives that we need to keep up on; I'm just having a very difficult time doing just that. I'm miserable. I'm up at 3am doing laundry because I have nothing else to do. Normal people are enjoying their R.E.M. dream state and I'm unloading the dish washer and mopping the floor.

I think I'm going to talk to my neurologist. After all, I pay him plenty of money anyway, maybe he can run a sleep study on me and find some crazy reason why at 4:15 in the morning, I'm finally ready to go to bed when the rest of the world is beginning to wake up.

1 comment:

Young Traveler said...

I am the queen of insomnia. My trick?

Reading and red wine.

If that doesn't work, Tylonol PM rocks my world.