Friday, April 24, 2009

Get out the broom...

Cause the Wings just swept the series!!

Yes, that right my fellow hockey fans, my RELIABLE Redwings pulled off the sweep and took the 1st round against the Columbus Blue Jackets in 4 games.

That just goes to show you that nothing good comes from Ohio! So now we wait and see who's going to win to pair us up for round two.
All I can say is Ozzie's on a roll and he's got a score to settle from regular season people!
Go Wings!! Keep the Cup in Hockeytown, USA!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Five Year Old Companion

You know when you take a flight and its packed to the gills with screaming kids and complaining passengers? Well I had that experience going to Seattle this past weekend. But I had the most interesting seat mate on my journey.

I was exhausted. I had stayed up all night the previous evening packing and getting my kids laundry done. So all I wanted to do was sleep. The plane ride was four and a half hours long. That would be a perfect nap to take before I reached Seattle. Jared and I had plans for going out and the last thing that I wanted to be was tired and grumpy for our date.

So I settled in ready to take a nice little snooze. Until I heard this sweet little voice…

“What your name is?” I opened one eye, not sure if I heard what I thought I heard. And I saw the biggest brown eyes on a little boy I’ve ever seen in my life. He had this cute little grin and his red ball cap was jarred slightly to the left; making his head look just a tad lopsided. But he could not have been sweeter if I added whipped cream and a cherry.

“My name is Melissa. What’s your name?” His mother was sitting right next to me and mouthed the words “I’m sorry.” I let her know it was ok and continued my conversation with my new friend.

“My name is Zachary.” But there is a shorter way to say that.”

“There is?” I said. Acting as if I had no clue what that might be.

“Yes, it’s Zach. Did you know that?”

“Well, Yes, Zach, I did know that. But I didn’t know that’s what you went by. It’s very nice to meet you.” And I offered my hand out.

He looked back at his mother and said “Is she a stranger? Can I touch her?”

I had to laugh because at this point, he had already passed the point of “Don’t Talk to Strangers” as his mother very well knew. She looked at me and smiled and then looked at little Zach.

“This time I think its okay because I’m here with you.” She told him.

“My Mom said that I can touch you.”

And at that point Little Zach shook my hand. Zach and I talked about all sorts of neat things. Like who had the cooler toys Iron Man or Batman. (Batman won) Who would win in a fight: Godzilla or Tyrannosaurus Rex. (Godzilla – but it was a close call) Zach talked about the fact that he can’t wait for the new Transformer movie to come out this summer. And how hard it is being 5 and having 4 older sisters!

WOW! He’s got a tough life!! Little Zach was heading home to Fairbanks Alaska. He had been visiting family in Louisiana. A new baby cousin had just been born. So he informed me that HE was no longer the BABY of the family. He was a big boy now.

And rightly so. Then unexpectedly, I got this wonderful declaration from a five year old little boy,

“I love you.”

I look at him. His big brown eyes all filled with hope and not a care in the world. This little angel that doesn’t have bills to worry about. He doesn’t have to worry about his kids and where he’s going to get the money to pay for their college. There’s nothing sinister about him, he doesn’t want anything from me; Just a simple little boy who met a stranger on an airplane and decided to start a conversation.

“I love you,” He said again. “Wait I said that already.” And at that moment I had an overwhelming feeling of Hope for mankind and it was all wrapped up in this small brown eyed little boy.

“I love you too.” I said back to him. And I did. I really did. It wasn’t something I just said to say. I really did love this cute little boy that made my long unbearable flight an incredible journey for me.

Zachary went on to Fairbanks and I got off in Seattle. I’ll never see him again. But I’ll also never forget him.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Every single Birthday is Special

I am getting ready to leave on a trip to see Jared for his birthday this weekend. And it gives me time to reflect on the past year that we've spent together and the bond that we've built in our relationship. I'm so blessed that I have this chance to spend this special day with him and share in the celebration of his birth.

I know that as we get older we have a tendency to stop celebrating our birthdays and just brush them under the rug. We let them silently slip by in hopes that no one noticed that we turned one year older. The fact that I pulled three more grey hairs from my head this morning has nothing to do with the fact that the number of candles on my birthday cake went up this year.

I don't feel any older. Why should I care that I'm celebrating a birthday in October that gives people permission to stop buying me nice cute gifts and in turn give me gifts that are intended for one going into a nursing home. Its just a number and we really are only as old as we feel.

I'm really excited to get to Seattle tomorrow and see Jared and spend time with him and his daughters. Even though its only been about eight weeks since we've seen each other, it seems like its been eight months. Time seems to stand still when you're separated from the one's that you love.

We don't have a lot planned, just some quite family time. But it will be meaningful and fun all the same. I wish that my boys were going to be with me as well. That would make this trip all the more sweeter. But once again Alex has Baseball games and Connor has missed too much school already from the flu this year. So they'll just have to wait until the summer trip to journey to the Pacific Northwest with me.

My Heavenly Father has blessed me and my family so much this past year. I wish the same for all of you and yours. As we celebrate in HIS glorious Resurrection this Easter season, I hope that you can all remember that we are all special children of God and so worthy of the sacrifice that he made for each and every one of us.

No matter what trials are plaguing us today, nothing can compare to the suffering that our Lord accepted as his punishment so many years ago so that we might know Eternal Salvation. So revel in that Glory and embrace your BIRTHDAY. Whether that be your day of actual birth or the day of your RE-Birth into the kingdom of Heaven. We are all worthy of that Celebration and Praise!

Go sing on a mountaintop today, Heavenly Father is always listening!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Emotional Roller Coaster for One Please

Emotional roller coasters are so hard to deal with. The constant tossing and turning of your insides is enough to make the strongest stomach hurl up their lunch. It doesn't matter what the situation, we all have our baggage. Whether its kids, relationships, parents, job, whatever - its there and its waiting to take you on the next thrill ride of your life.

But is it fair of us to drag those we love into the adventure with us? What if they don't like the shock wave antics of the loop-da-loop? Did we ever take that into consideration before we drug them into the front seat and strapped them down? Or did we just assume that they'd go along for the ride as an active participant because they are always willing to try the next big thing?

And at what point do we draw the line and decide enough is enough? When your barf bag is filled to overflowing? When your friend is green at the gills and can't breathe without choking. I would say, that's probably a good time to shut up!

No one wants to hear the same thing over and over again. I realize that we all have issues and carry around about 27 suitcases worth of useless baggage. But honestly, who is it helping? Are you deriving any pleasure from bringing it up again and again? I'm not. I've found that all I'm doing is hurting those I love.

We need to let that baggage go! Go find the highest building or bridge you can find and open those suitcases and just start throwing out the junk people! Get rid of all of the vomit and trash that you've been lugging around for months or even years. Throw it off the building and watch it drop down into oblivion.

Gone from your life are the issues that have plagued you! Gone from your life are the challenges that have stopped you from achieving your goals. And gone from your life is the sorrow and pain that has held you back from living your life.

Now dump those suitcases that carried those issues around because you don't need those anymore either! We're no longer going to collect baggage. We're beginning new lives now - Baggage Free!

See how much lighter you feel? Now go by a new dress and a pair of shoes. I'll bet you're a size smaller. =)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Class Act Organization!

I am truly humbled by the reaction of the Angels Organization with the tragic death of pitcher Nick Adenhart, 22. They have truly reached out to the family as well as fans of Adenhart. But they also remembered that there were two other people that were killed in that car accident by a drunk driver. Henry Pearson, 25, and Courtney Stewart, 20, also were killed that day.

The blood alcohol limit of the driver that broadsided the car Adenhart was in was three times the legal limit. After running a red light and slamming his minivan into the Mitsubishi Eclipse, the suspect (whom I refuse to name) fled the scene on foot. I'm disgusted that he was even left alive after what he did to those three individuals. But the fact that he was able to walk away, pisses me off even more.
I am glad to know that the loser is being charged with three counts of murder for their deaths. I also feel very sorry for his family. The fact that they have to live with this retched family member's mistake for the rest of their lives as well is a sad daily reminder for them.
Its just a devastating loss to loose a gifted player so young. But to see veteran players like Torii Hunter walk up to the pitcher's mound with Adenhart's jersey in hand and then the ENTIRE stadium goes quiet is an amazing sight to behold. This happened before the announcer ever said a word. The fans took it upon themselves to quiet down and give Adenhart, Pearson and Stewart the moment of silence that they deserved.
The Angel's Organization has realized that this is not a publicity ripe opportunity for them. They are focusing on their players, the family and friends. They are offering them the counseling and support that they need in order to get through this hard tragedy. They've had the parents meet with the players so each can express their feelings to one another.
I am just very impressed at how they have reached out and not made it about them. It has renewed my love of baseball. Some how its no longer about the money and how much someone's contract is worth. Its about the players and their love of the game and each other. And I for one just want to say Good Job!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where does all of our time go?

My oldest son Alex has picked a specific university to correspond with that he is interesting in attending after graduation next June. I submitted his online paperwork today to get the application process started for him.

WOW, How did my little red haired baby boy grow up so fast? I remember him on his first day of kindergarten and how excited he was; now he's applying to colleges and planning the rest of his future. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he's taking an interest and being proactive; but I'm sad that the last 12 years of schooling seem like a big blur.

I don't know if I'm ready for him to go off to college and begin that whole new chapter in his life. I've been his only support his entire life.

Is that how the rest of my life is going to go? You blink your eyes and you miss the birth of your child. You sneeze and your child graduates school. I missed my 20th high school reunion last summer. Twenty years! That's just amazing to me. I still remember Clarice Tinsley from CBS here in Dallas speaking at my graduation. It seems like it was just yesterday, but it will be 21 years ago this coming June.

Its not that I'm feeling old, that's not the problem; its that I feel like I've missed things. I feel like my kids have grown up in front of me but I've been wearing blinders that are only open certain times of the day. Before I know it my youngest will be driving! Ugh, God help us all.

Its just sad how fast the time goes and we don't realize it until our kiddos are grown and gone from the house. I don't know what I'm going to do once Alex is gone away to school and I can't see him everyday. He's my first born, my sweet baby. I won't be able to see his sweet face every day. Now I'm sure that he would say that's a blessing, I think its sad. I'll miss him. But i know that at some point we need to let our "babies" go and move on to live their own lives.

I just don't know if I'm ready to cut those strings yet. Its going to be hard. I spoil my kids way to much and I know that in order for them to survive in today's society I need to teach them to sink or swim otherwise I will be doing them a huge disservice. They will never learn to take care of themselves if momma is constantly supporting them and giving them money.

So I'm ready to back up and let Alex make his own mistakes and learn his lessons. I just hope that I can be a good teacher and learn patience in the process. Because as we all know, every opportunity is a learning opportunity.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm a Horrible Person, But Forgiveness is Forgiveness

So I'm not a fan of the TV show "Sex in the City". But I did happen to see the movie while I was stuck in bed sick. Why did I watch the movie if I never watched the show? Because I was too sick to try and find my remote control so I watched it like three times. The good thing is, I kept falling asleep so I think between the three times it was on, I've seen it only once.

I will tell you that I think Jennifer Hudson is a fantastic actress and she deserved that Oscar she won for Dreamgirls. But I digress as that is not the topic of my story today....

In my foggy haze of sickness I gathered that the main character Carrie was left at the alter by her fiance Jon "Big" Preston and that Miranda's husband Steve has had an affair because he feels un-needed by Miranda. Now whether that's how it really happened, is not the point. There was a scene in the movie that I did watch that struck a chord with me.

Carrie and Miranda were sitting in a cab after having had an argument and Miranda was begging Carrie to forgive her.

Carrie: "You know you badger me to forgive you after three days, but yet you won't forgive Steve after six months."

Miranda "That its completely different."

Carrie: "It's Forgiveness."

And there you go. Those two words said it all for me, Its Forgiveness. It doesn't matter if I stole a pack of gum or ran over your dog with my car, its Forgiveness. There is no fuzzy grey area. It is crystal clear, black and white. You either forgive me or you don't.

Now I'm not saying that there are not consequences for said actions, but I am saying that we should be honest when we tell someone we forgive them. There are so many of us walking around with these huge chips on our shoulders because someone made us mad or offended us in some way. We always say, "I'll forgive you If..." and attach a list of conditions onto the end of the statement.

I say, let it go. Seriously, is it that big of a deal to waste one more bit of your energy on the situation. Just forgive and forget. If you've wronged someone, apologize. Reach out to that person, own up to it and take responsibility for what it is you've done wrong. Even if it is hard and you have to swallow your pride. "Man up" as Jared would say.

I know I'm trying to. I'm estranged from my parents right now. I wronged them. My past actions caused the estrangement and I take that responsibility on fully by myself. But I've also asked forgiveness so now the choice is up to them. They either accept my apology and we move forward or they don't and I'm left without two parent's that I love very much.

This Sunday is the Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that you are all reminded that he died on that cross for ALL of our sins; not just ones that he thought were worthy. Every one of us is worthy of HIS Forgiveness. All you have to do is ask.

Because I know I will continue to ask until I right the wrong I caused. I'm not a bad person, I've just made mistakes in my past that have hurt others. And there just comes a time when enough is enough and they just have to close the door to shut out the pain. Now I have to work on getting that door opened again.

And with Heavenly Father's help, I know that eventually I'll be able to do that. Maybe not in this life time, but I'll do my very best.

Because like I said, Forgiveness is Forgiveness.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sleep never came....But an idea did!

OK, so once again, I had trouble sleeping last night. No surprise! As I was rolling around in the very large bed I share with the dog and cats, I had an Epiphany!

All of these Corporate Giants (I use that term loosely) that ran these billion dollar companies into the ground and then had the government bale them out; only to receive several million dollar bonuses in return should have to take their entire annual income - including all bonuses and write a check to all those Americans that lost their jobs or 401K accounts.I know that this wouldn't amount to many, but I figured it was a start.

And then, we should go and have a massive garage sale of all their stuff and see how much money we can liquidate their assets for cash. Again, check to those individuals who lost their jobs and 401K accounts.

Then lets have a foreclosure auction and sell all their houses in the Hampton's, Palm Springs, Florida, and wherever else they happen to have land/properties. I figure we could come up with the $36K the government is demanding that each American individual cover for this corporate screw up.

If we take all the corporate property away from them and sell it off, maybe we'll have enough money left over to buy them all a one way ticket to Hell - because that's where they all belong. And I know just the Bus driver to take them there! Mr. Madoff is earning his license as we speak.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Movies with Memories

You know when you hear a certain song or see a certain movie, it brings a memory back that was really special to you? Well that happened to me this past weekend.

Mine happens to be a movie, and that movie happens to be "Fried Green Tomato's." Now if you're a Dude and you've never seen this movie, its still a great flick, and I suggest you secretly put it in your Netflix queue and watch it!  I love it and every time I see it I am reminded of my very best friend Amy.

Let me take you back a few years....It just happened to be a few months before Amy gave birth to her daughter. She went into premature labor at work and walked over to my cube to tell me she was having contractions.  Well I can't remember why, but for some strange reason, her husband wasn't able to take her to the hospital and he would meet her there later. So since I have the honor of being her best friend, I took her.  We got her in a room in her cute little "I don't cover anything" gown and tucked in her bed.  

So there we were. Amy tucked tight under the covers in bed. And me right next to her, holding her hand telling her everything was going to be alright.  

One thing you need to know about sweet Amers is that she is very holistic and careful about the things she puts in her body.  She doesn't take medicine if its unnecessary.  This is not some whim that she's adopted, she's been this way as long as I've known her. And I love her for it.  

So anyway,  This Horrid nurse walks in, demanding Amy allow her to give her this medication that will stop the contractions.  Well Amy is in FREAK OUT stage now people.  Because "Ugly Nurse Betty" (that's what we'll call her) is basically telling Amy that she's going to kill her baby if she doesn't take the meds because the baby will deliver too early.  

Whoa Ugly Nurse Betty! Could you be more of a Drama Queen? If she doesn't want to take the medication, she doesn't want to take the meds.  We all know that AMy would never kill her baby - but Ugly Nurse Betty is being VERY mean to Amy and trying to scare her into taking the medication.  I ask Ugly Nurse Betty if Amers can call her husband before she administers the drugs.  Just to talk about it with him.  That was agreed and Nurse Betty stormed out of the room.

Amers and her husband decided that it was in the baby's best interest to take the medication so this is where the tale begins....because once Amy agreed to Ugly Nurse Betty's demands, she became...Angel Nurse Betty.

And this is where "Fried Green Tomato's" enters our story because Nurse Betty brought Amers and me a VCR and some movies to watch while we waited for her contractions to stop.  All the while we talked about the baby, names, how her son was going to feel about having a sibling, and just a lot other things. We laughed alot!! =)

But the fact that she and I watched this movie together and built a bond that will last our lifetime means so much to me. We learned things about each other that we might never have had the chance to talk about.  But when you're sitting in a hospital room, you have all kinds of time.

You might be asking me, why I'm bringing this up?  Well this weekend while I was laying in bed sick, "Fried Green Tomato's" came on Showtime.  I watched that movie three times and every time I watched it I thought of Amy and that hospital room and her sweet daughter who shares my middle name.  I cried every time I watched it because I love Amy, her three children and her husband like they are my own family.  And I do consider them my family.

We have such wonderful people in our lives and are so blessed to share those experiences with them.  I called Amy over the weekend just to let her know that I was thinking about her and that I watched that movie.  We need to let the people in our lives know they are important. Tell them how you feel.  Because you never know if you're going to get that chance again.  You never know when the Lord is going to call you or them home.

Love on your Children,  Family and Friends.  Because I promise you that you will get the same in return!

What's your Opinion?

I had a discussion with some very old family friends yesterday and it came up that I converted to the Mormon faith. A decision that I'm very happy about. But she was curious as to my decision to change from Catholicism to Mormonism. Well this in turn led to a deeper discussion about ALL faiths and then it came out that one of my friends doesn't believe in organized religion at all.

That was a blow to me.  I am very close to this person. I know this person to have been raised in the church and I thought that she had a strong testimony of our Heavenly Father.  I was apparently very wrong.  She believes that the Bible is just a historical book written by people of no significance and thrown together. 

I get great peace and joy from reading my Scriptures on a daily basis.  In one instance she is correct, the Bible is a historical record; its a historical record of the beginning of all existence.  Its a record of the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus Christ. Its a record of the glorious Resurrection of our savior. And its a record of what is to come and how we should be preparing. 

I asked her how she feels when she walks into a church and she said "nothing."  I was heartbroken.  She asked me what I felt and I told her that I feel an overwhelming sense of peace and love. She had a look of shock on her face; like she was dumbstruck.

I have to be honest, I love going to church.  I enjoy reading my scriptures and spending time in prayer.  My quiet time with my Heavenly Father is my favorite time of the day.  

I understand that that are thousands of different religions in the world.  And we all have different beliefs.  I'm curious what your Faith practice is and how you feel.  I'd love to hear from all of you that read my blog.  

And please don't hold back.  I'm not here to judge you; I honestly want to know.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kelly Clarkson...ROCKS!

Chores, chores, chores! We all have them! They're a bummer but we have to do them to keep our homes in order. Well last night I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't sleep - again - so I put my ear buds in, from the iPod and cranked on the current single from American Sweetheart Kelly Clarkson, "My Life Would Suck Without You."

So here I am, tunes a-go-go...clothes piled on the bed and I'm folding away. All of the sudden I start nodding my head slowly to the beat of the music. Back and forth, in perfect time with the drums and then a little guitar sneaks in and my shoulders join in the movement. Al the while, I'm folding my son's baseball uniform from the game the night before.

This is all subconscious reaction on my behalf. Kelly's singing along..."Cuz we belong together now, Forever united here somehow, you got a piece of me, And honestly" I've now moved on to some towels.....

The hips are moving back and forth now people! I decide at this point to throw caution to the wind start singing at a low whisper. That lasts all of three words!

I am now at a full yell ~ MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT YOU! Sing it girl.

Now I'm dancing around the room! Forget the laundry....Kelly and I need this....

"Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye, Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight, I know that I’ve got issues, But you’re pretty messed up too, Anyway, I found out I’m nothing without you"

Wooohoooo......Oooppps, Interruption, Son walked in.....embarrassing. He's 11 - he joins in.....Back to Kelly........

"My life would suck without you, Being with you is so dysfunctional, I really shouldn’t miss you, but I can’t let go, Oh yeah"

Wow!! That was Fun!

Let's do it again......I'll fold clothes tomorrow.