Friday, March 13, 2009


While strolling through the Internet I stumbled across an article about a show that I watch on a regular basis. As I was perusing the article a chill began to crawl down my spine and I knew that this was not going to end well.

This show, which usually makes me laugh, was going in a direction that it did not need to be going. And I knew that after I was done reading the article, that I would never be able to watch this show again. Which was sad because I really did enjoy it. I took it for what it was, entertainment, and not reality.

But when you go beyond the entertainment aspect and touch on areas that are sacred and you know that should be "Off Limits", then you've gone too far and it no longer remains a TV show. It becomes more of a documentary.

I'm not going to name the show, as I refuse to give it publicity. I will say that what is considered special and sacred in normal everyday life, should remain special and sacred for this shows sake as well. And they had an "understanding" with a certain group that certain things would not be brought into the show "production".

Well those producers have gone back on their promise and now it seems that even the most sacred areas are fair game. This truly saddens me not only for deep personal reasons that will remain mine; but also because I did enjoy this program and the characters involved.

I've lost the respect of the Actors, Writers, Producers, but most of all the Executive Producer. He has let me down the most. That he would allow this to go to production and offend so many people, just breaks my heart. I guess the opportunity for ratings out weights the chance to do what's right.

And since this show is the only reason I carried this channel, I no longer need to have this premium service. So I owe Heavenly Father two thank yous.
  1. Thanks for the Head's up on the program I'm NOT supposed to watch.
  2. Thanks for the money saving opportunity by dumping the channel, I can save about $12.00 a month off my bill.

Have a Blessed Day you guys. And remember, if something is sacred and not for public information, its not because its a secret, its because its special and you need to be worthy first. STRIVE TO BE WORTHY and it will no longer be a secret.

1 comment:

Young Traveler said...

Which show are you talking about? I'm just curious.