Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sometimes there really is nothing there ~

OK, I have to just let it out. I have a bad habit of reading into something that just isn't there. I'm really one for adding my own commentary and blaming the other party; leaving them wondering what the hell just happened and how they got in trouble. I want you to know that I don't do this on purpose. This is all done subconsciously and without intentional malice; but I do it none the less.

Because this is a blog, I am being perfectly honest with you. I mean, after all, if I can't be honest with all of you guys, then I shouldn't be writing a blog anyway right? OK so I'm going to give you two instances where I completely sabotaged the conversation and turned in around and you judge for yourself where things took a turn for the worse. Unfortunately, poor Jared was the brunt of both test cases, and he was able to check me both times, but the point is, I did it anyway.

Ex. #1: I asked Jared since the Pens were going to be out of playoff contention who would he be rooting for? It couldn't be the Caps - his buddy was a Caps fan and he gave him constant grief about the Caps. So nope - my guess wouldn't be the Washington Capitals. Must be the San Jose Sharks because they're ahead of the Redwings and Jared hates the Wings. (My FAVORITE team BTW!)

What does Jared say? Ding, ding, ding..."Nah, the Caps, because ####'s my friend and he's a Cap's fan. So I'll cheer for the Caps." Excusemwaaaaa? What did you say??? Um HELLO your girlfriend is a MAJOR REDWINGS fan and you've never said one nice thing about the Redwings EVER! But yet you would cheer for the Caps because your Buddy like s them? Srsly? Did I miss the memo that said "Bro's before ..."

Of Course, that's what was going on in my twisted little brain. And let me tell you I went off on Jared! Yes I did. There were words that came out of my mouth that don't usually come out of my mouth. Again, Jared's response, which was the CORRECT response I might add, "You need to stop making more of this than there is. This is not a guy friends vs. girlfriend issue." Well you could have fooled me!! I suspect we went on like this for an hour. When all was said and done, I was the one apologizing, because I was the one that made a complete idiot of myself. So back to my corner I crawled, ego bruised but still in tact. Now I hope that the Pens and Caps both go down in the flames of HELL! And the Caps almost did last night but ended up wining in a shoot out against the Canadians last night. Dang it Montreal! Pull your head out!!!

OK, so now to my second example which is a bit more personal so I'm going to be very vague. Jared made some rather sweet comments but I took ONE SENTENCE out of all the nice stuff that he said and read into that one line as if he'd grown a second head! Of course, he has NO idea what I'm even talking about and then he just gives me one line, "You're doing it again." That's my man ladies and gentleman! Doing what? I ask. Because I honestly have no idea what he's talking about. I'm completely clueless, I don't realize that I'm even doing it. But then its like a brick hits my forehead and says "Wake Up Moron" and I realize exactly what he's talking about.

The fact that he even puts up with me is amazing. I think that's why I love him so much. Woman in general are a moody bunch. We're emotional manipulators who are taught from birth to cry on demand to get what we want. No offense to any of my Female Sisters reading this post; but you have to agree with me. Guys are the opposite, they either hold it all in or use anger to express themselves. That's just how God wired all of us. It doesn't mean that we're bad people, but sometimes, there really is nothing else there.



Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

you make me laugh... even though your a wings fan... did you see the great pens game last night? lol

Mel said...

No, I was busy packing. I'm leaving to go and see Jared in Seattle this weekend. But I'm glad they won. Maybe they'll pull an upset and find a place in the playoffs after all.

jEnNy said...

Yes, we all do this, even the ones of us who are "holier than thou" & do not want to admit it. But hey, is it me or isn't fun some of the time. the crying to get what we want part i mean?? lol