Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dreams and Reality...Do your's ever intermingle?

OK, so you guys are going to have to bare with me today because I had the strangest dream last night that I swear was happening in real life. Did you ever have one of those? Where you woke up and wondered, did that really happened or was I dreaming?

So here I was, in my REM sleep mode, dreaming away. Let me set the scene: I was in this park with a bunch of people that apparently I knew, but I can’t tell you now who they were. The park was surrounded by this nice brick wall about eight feet high. The park seemed to be in the middle of some downtown city with big sky scrapers and such; but it didn’t look familiar to me at all. But it had beautiful green grass and benches, etc. You get the picture. It was a nice city park.

So here we all are enjoying what I guess is a lunchtime event. A lot of people had blankets spread out and seemed to be in small groups spread out over the lawn area. There were dogs jumping about, etc. But I could tell it was a work day because we were all in work attire. So all of a sudden we start hearing helicopters, so of course our response is to look up. We notice that the copters are from the TV stations and they are circling the building under construction next to the park.

Then we begin to hear sirens, as in Police and Fire rescue. So of course the tone in the park starts to get a little bit nervous and you begin to hear this hum of whispers resonate through the groups as to what’s going on. Well I don’t know what made me look up again, but all of a sudden I see what looks like two helicopters circling one another. Like two lions ready to pounce. But they seem to be in a spiral motion headed down. I notice one pull out and fly away but then realize the other is not a helicopter, but some type of heavy machine and its falling from the sky.

I was in awe watching this thing getting bigger as it fell, because as you know, things move in slow motion in your dreams. Well the closer it got, the more I realized, it was the cab of a crane and it was headed towards the park. People began screaming and running, and I’m just standing there amazed watching the body of this crane fall. Well it missed the park but fell on the other side of the wall. Debris broke off and flew back into the park striking two men breaking one of the men’s legs. This man was about 5 feet from me.

Then the I guess “arms” of the crane began falling into the park. One long piece missed me to the right about one foot and landed on two people killing them. Another piece landed to the left of me about twenty feet away hitting one person, killing them. I think there was a third piece that fell, but I can’t be certain because at this point someone grabbed me and I began running. I ran and got out of the park, all the while hearing the crashing of metal on the street next to the building under construction. I remember a paramedic coming up to me and asking if I was OK and responding that I was fine.

My alarm went off after that and I woke up. But I woke up and I had to sit there for a minute. I had to sort through the fog in my brain and wonder if I’d heard about a crane accident the day before on the news. This dream was so vivid in my mind that it had to be real. I was a bit unnerved as I got in the shower and then got ready for my day. I couldn’t put it out of my head; especially the fact that I just sat there and watched all of this fall from the sky and did nothing to get out of the way and save myself.

I’m sure some Psychiatrist could analyze it to death for me. Please refrain!! It was just a spooky feeling waking up and having that dream. Please Lord, please bless and keep all Crane workers safe today and always! I’m sure the Catholic’s have a patron saint of Construction Worker’s, I just can’t remember who it is; maybe I should call my Grandma. I’ve been a non-Catholic for way too long. She can light a candle.

Blessings Everyone!

1 comment:

Missy said...

You know, the beauty of writing about my officemate is he practically writes it for me! I barely have to think about it.

As for your dream, I won't analyze it to death but I have read a few books on interpreting dreams. I do remember dreaming about any type of destruction indicates there is some sort of chaos going on in your life. Maybe there is some unorganized chaos in your wardrobe closet that has been bothering you or perhaps something a little more important, but let's just hope you're not slightly psychic!