Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've been asked to censor my material because its bothersome to some people. I'm so sorry. Isn't the point of a blog to share what's going on in your life? I mean, you need to express the feelings that you're having right? I made a promise to myself that I would be completely honest with everything on my blog. I refuse to let anyone tell me who, what, where, are why I should write about something.

I'm not going to change that now.

New topic tomorrow, once I get over the shock of being "Suffocated."



jEnNy said...

Your blog is your business, so if you feel like posting something, I am all for it. Not sure what is going on, but don't let anyone tell you to stop.
I love my nephews & I am grateful you are in my life.

Mel said...

Jen, the feeling is mutual! And don't worry, it was from my end as always!! I love you and miss you.