Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's your Opinion?

I had a discussion with some very old family friends yesterday and it came up that I converted to the Mormon faith. A decision that I'm very happy about. But she was curious as to my decision to change from Catholicism to Mormonism. Well this in turn led to a deeper discussion about ALL faiths and then it came out that one of my friends doesn't believe in organized religion at all.

That was a blow to me.  I am very close to this person. I know this person to have been raised in the church and I thought that she had a strong testimony of our Heavenly Father.  I was apparently very wrong.  She believes that the Bible is just a historical book written by people of no significance and thrown together. 

I get great peace and joy from reading my Scriptures on a daily basis.  In one instance she is correct, the Bible is a historical record; its a historical record of the beginning of all existence.  Its a record of the crucifixion and suffering of Jesus Christ. Its a record of the glorious Resurrection of our savior. And its a record of what is to come and how we should be preparing. 

I asked her how she feels when she walks into a church and she said "nothing."  I was heartbroken.  She asked me what I felt and I told her that I feel an overwhelming sense of peace and love. She had a look of shock on her face; like she was dumbstruck.

I have to be honest, I love going to church.  I enjoy reading my scriptures and spending time in prayer.  My quiet time with my Heavenly Father is my favorite time of the day.  

I understand that that are thousands of different religions in the world.  And we all have different beliefs.  I'm curious what your Faith practice is and how you feel.  I'd love to hear from all of you that read my blog.  

And please don't hold back.  I'm not here to judge you; I honestly want to know.


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

I think religion comes and goes into people's lives at different times. Maybe she's on a different path right now than you. Hopefully it does not affect your friendship.

Young Traveler said...

I became Protestant after being raised Catholic. I now have a much deeper personal relationship with God based on my own convictions from reading the Bible, rather than tradition.

Glad you are being so open!

Mel said...

Thanks for leaving your thoughts. I've never been one to "preach" at people as I feel that's the easiest way to loose a friend. But it just really hurt my heart to know that someone so close to me is so lost to our Savior. And she's doing it by choice.

I guess all I can do is pray for her to see how much God loves her and how special she is to him. Maybe one day she'll come back into his fold.

amarillo_bo said...

hey, it's bo.

i don't know much about Mormon beliefs. i don't usually have the time to talk to the guys on bicycles who come by the house. anyhow, i didn't think they believed in the trinity or that Jesus is the Messiah. i guess i'm just asking for some info. hope all is well. be safe.

Mel said...

Bo - To answer your question - Yes the Mormon's DO BELIEVE that Jesus is the Messiah. Unfortunately, a lot of misconceptions are out there about the Mormon Faith. I encourage you to visit www.lds.org and it will answer any questions that you have.

As far as the Trinity, We believe in the God Head – that they are three distinct personages. If you take the baptism of Jesus Christ as an example we have Christ being baptized, Heavenly Father calling out from Heaven and the Dove as the Holy Spirit.

I hope that answers some of your questions.

amarillo_bo said...

it does. i'll look it up and get back to you. sorry it took me so long to get back to you. it's been crazy! you know how that goes. God bless and be safe.