Thursday, April 16, 2009

Every single Birthday is Special

I am getting ready to leave on a trip to see Jared for his birthday this weekend. And it gives me time to reflect on the past year that we've spent together and the bond that we've built in our relationship. I'm so blessed that I have this chance to spend this special day with him and share in the celebration of his birth.

I know that as we get older we have a tendency to stop celebrating our birthdays and just brush them under the rug. We let them silently slip by in hopes that no one noticed that we turned one year older. The fact that I pulled three more grey hairs from my head this morning has nothing to do with the fact that the number of candles on my birthday cake went up this year.

I don't feel any older. Why should I care that I'm celebrating a birthday in October that gives people permission to stop buying me nice cute gifts and in turn give me gifts that are intended for one going into a nursing home. Its just a number and we really are only as old as we feel.

I'm really excited to get to Seattle tomorrow and see Jared and spend time with him and his daughters. Even though its only been about eight weeks since we've seen each other, it seems like its been eight months. Time seems to stand still when you're separated from the one's that you love.

We don't have a lot planned, just some quite family time. But it will be meaningful and fun all the same. I wish that my boys were going to be with me as well. That would make this trip all the more sweeter. But once again Alex has Baseball games and Connor has missed too much school already from the flu this year. So they'll just have to wait until the summer trip to journey to the Pacific Northwest with me.

My Heavenly Father has blessed me and my family so much this past year. I wish the same for all of you and yours. As we celebrate in HIS glorious Resurrection this Easter season, I hope that you can all remember that we are all special children of God and so worthy of the sacrifice that he made for each and every one of us.

No matter what trials are plaguing us today, nothing can compare to the suffering that our Lord accepted as his punishment so many years ago so that we might know Eternal Salvation. So revel in that Glory and embrace your BIRTHDAY. Whether that be your day of actual birth or the day of your RE-Birth into the kingdom of Heaven. We are all worthy of that Celebration and Praise!

Go sing on a mountaintop today, Heavenly Father is always listening!

1 comment:

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

You're right, every birthday is special! Glad you two were able to spend it together.