Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm a Horrible Person, But Forgiveness is Forgiveness

So I'm not a fan of the TV show "Sex in the City". But I did happen to see the movie while I was stuck in bed sick. Why did I watch the movie if I never watched the show? Because I was too sick to try and find my remote control so I watched it like three times. The good thing is, I kept falling asleep so I think between the three times it was on, I've seen it only once.

I will tell you that I think Jennifer Hudson is a fantastic actress and she deserved that Oscar she won for Dreamgirls. But I digress as that is not the topic of my story today....

In my foggy haze of sickness I gathered that the main character Carrie was left at the alter by her fiance Jon "Big" Preston and that Miranda's husband Steve has had an affair because he feels un-needed by Miranda. Now whether that's how it really happened, is not the point. There was a scene in the movie that I did watch that struck a chord with me.

Carrie and Miranda were sitting in a cab after having had an argument and Miranda was begging Carrie to forgive her.

Carrie: "You know you badger me to forgive you after three days, but yet you won't forgive Steve after six months."

Miranda "That its completely different."

Carrie: "It's Forgiveness."

And there you go. Those two words said it all for me, Its Forgiveness. It doesn't matter if I stole a pack of gum or ran over your dog with my car, its Forgiveness. There is no fuzzy grey area. It is crystal clear, black and white. You either forgive me or you don't.

Now I'm not saying that there are not consequences for said actions, but I am saying that we should be honest when we tell someone we forgive them. There are so many of us walking around with these huge chips on our shoulders because someone made us mad or offended us in some way. We always say, "I'll forgive you If..." and attach a list of conditions onto the end of the statement.

I say, let it go. Seriously, is it that big of a deal to waste one more bit of your energy on the situation. Just forgive and forget. If you've wronged someone, apologize. Reach out to that person, own up to it and take responsibility for what it is you've done wrong. Even if it is hard and you have to swallow your pride. "Man up" as Jared would say.

I know I'm trying to. I'm estranged from my parents right now. I wronged them. My past actions caused the estrangement and I take that responsibility on fully by myself. But I've also asked forgiveness so now the choice is up to them. They either accept my apology and we move forward or they don't and I'm left without two parent's that I love very much.

This Sunday is the Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that you are all reminded that he died on that cross for ALL of our sins; not just ones that he thought were worthy. Every one of us is worthy of HIS Forgiveness. All you have to do is ask.

Because I know I will continue to ask until I right the wrong I caused. I'm not a bad person, I've just made mistakes in my past that have hurt others. And there just comes a time when enough is enough and they just have to close the door to shut out the pain. Now I have to work on getting that door opened again.

And with Heavenly Father's help, I know that eventually I'll be able to do that. Maybe not in this life time, but I'll do my very best.

Because like I said, Forgiveness is Forgiveness.

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