Friday, June 19, 2009

People are way to complex for me!

I'm glad that I only have a few more days of my part time job left because there's only so much more drama that I can take. Without going into detail for legal reasons...I had the biggest shock of my life last night! I've truly lost faith in humanity.

I have to wonder what drives people to do the things that they do. I guess desperation maybe? I'm not sure, but I was really disappointed last night in a particular person that I'd helped several times in my store. She was very nice and always friendly. I guess that should have been my first clue; someone trying to be overly friendly!

Regardless, a couple of bruises later, I've learned a great lesson, you really CAN'T trust anyone!! No matter how sweet or innocent someone might appear, they probably have a sinister side that you don't see until its to late.

I would just suggest that everyone be very cautious of those you think you might know because there's no telling who or what might be lurking around the corner.


Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

hope your ok! wow...

Jessica said...

sorry about that. hope you're doing ok. i've been thinking about you. not your vt anymore, but still want to check on you!