Friday, May 29, 2009

Where are your Manners?

I've kind of lost my faith in humanity. Its sad really. I go about my day and see people just minding their own business not caring about anyone around them. I can't tell you the last time that someone held the door for me or said hello to me in the elevator just because they wanted to be nice. We all just seem to mind our own business and don't want to get involved with the world moving around us.

I'm constantly baffled at the rude behavior that people demonstrate on a daily basis. Is it just me? Am I too sensitive? Let me give you an example:

I was in the mall yesterday and there was a young mother with two small kids. One was in the stroller under 1 years old. The other couldn't have been more than 2 and a half. She was carrying the toddler and came to the escalator wither her stroller and obviously had quite a dilemma on her hands as she wanted to hold her toddler and needed to get the baby in the stroller down as well. Now I know what you're thinking - why didn't she take an elevator? There was no elevator anywhere in sight!

So here is this poor women trying to figure out how to manage this obstacle, meanwhile, five men walk up and walk AROUND her and go down the escalator. Now I saw all of this because I was coming Up the escalator. I couldn't believe it. I got to the top as this poor woman was near tears. I took the stroller from her so she could hold the toddler and then helped her down the escalator. She couldn't have been more grateful. It took 5 minutes of my time and I was able to help someone in need.

And although I really wanted to curse those men to Hell and damnation, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I just decided that our society has become so jaded and self absorbed, that they just didn't know any better. And that is how most people react in our society today. And it makes me sad.

If you take anything away from this ranting of mine, please take this, remember those around you. Extend a courtesy to someone in need or just say hello. A smile and greeting go a long way in these troubled times.

Have a nice day everyone.


Kristy said...

I have a friend and she always says "Common Courtesy is not a thing of the past" and it's so true.
That was a great post and also a friendly reminder to extend a helping hand.
"The Young Travelers" mother,

Jessica said...

you're very sweet. i've been in the same situation and men just passed by. one time my friend and I were trying to get our 3 kids (combined) in her car. a man walked up beside us and asked us to shut one of our doors so he could get in our car. i looked at him and said "yes...when we are finished." - the nerve of some people.

Mel said...

And that is exactly my point! People are so bothered that you encroach on their lives, that they don't take the time to consider others in the process. What has this world come to that a person can’t take the time for a woman to put her kids in the car and get them safely strapped in their seats? Is he in such a hurry that 5 minutes is a life or death situation? Did he even stop to think of the consequences that HIS actions might have on you and your friend? That by rushing you, you might have inadvertently not hooked Cade or Jack’s seatbelt correctly. And God forbid a chain of events happen that caused those seatbelts to be needed and then fail.

People don’t think!! We have that ME, ME, ME mentality and I am really over it!!

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

are you ready for game 7 my friend?